ENCORE: 3 Holistic Ways To Reduce Your Fear of Breast Cancer Recurrence Without Having To Spend Hours in the Gym, Go To Therapy or Take Medication

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Hosted By: Amanda Gargiulo

Hi! I’m Amanda and I am so happy you are here!

I am the Founder of The Nourished Warrior, a Certified Nutrition Coach and Yoga Instructor. When my own journey with pre-cancerous breast cells landed me in the O.R. at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, I was struggling with fear and overwhelm as to how I could take control of my health and help reduce my breast cancer risk factors naturally. I never wanted to have to go through this again and I didn't want to have to take medication. So, I learned everything I could about how to use mindfulness practices and food as medicine to minimize my risk and I was inspired to share all my knowledge with you!

February 13th at 12pm EST

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